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Harper Smith & Colin Michael — Minted

Harper Smith


Colin Michael

Our Story

Our Story

Harper and Colin met one freezing night in 2009 during their sophomore year of high school at LexCathLive (a battle of the bands concert), where Colin was performing. Even though they both attended the same high school, they had not met each other yet. They started officially dating one week later. Colin still uses the wallet that Harper gave him for his 16th birthday. They dated through college, attended parties, many of Colin's shows with various bands, lots of ski trips, and Harper was Colin's fraternity sweetheart. After college, they took some time apart and reconnected in May of 2018 and have been inseparable ever since. They moved in together in July of 2020.

The Proposal

Dating during a pandemic can be tricky. After a possible exposure to COVID, Colin and Harper had to quarantine by themselves for Thanksgiving 2020. Since they were not going to be able to see their families, Colin arranged for it to still be a special day. They went on a walk to the Arboretum, as they frequently do, except this time, he surprised Harper by "falling" onto one knee and asked her to marry him. She said yes!